Touched at Christmas - Daily Bread


Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to Me." – Matthew 19:14

In the past I’ve been annoyed by crowded church services during the Christmas season. I disliked the jampacked pews and the hard-to-find parking places. I’ve even grumbled after being shunted to an overflow room when the sanctuary had filled long before the service began. Why don’t these people who come once a year just stay home? I thought.

My attitude seemed to mirror that of the disciples, who scolded those who brought children to Jesus for His blessing (Matthew 19:13). Whatever the reasons, the disciples must have thought they had no right to be there. But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven" (v. 14).

I finally realize that it’s a good thing whenever a person is drawn to a gathering that celebrates Jesus’ birth. Whether it’s a children’s program, a candlelight service, or a concert by the choir, we never know when someone will encounter Christ the Lord. Broadcast journalist Harry Reasoner once said: "So if a Christian is touched only once a year, the touching is still worth it, and maybe on some given Christmas, some quiet morning, the touch will take."

Christmas seems to bring out the child in all of us. And every child is welcomed by Jesus. – David McCasland

Give me a heart sympathetic and tender,
Jesus, like Thine, Jesus, like Thine.
Touched by the needs that are surging around me,
And filled with compassion divine. – Anon.

READ: Matthew 18:1-7; 19:13-15

Nothing moves us like a touch from Jesus.

The Bible in one year:

•Ezekiel 47-48
• 1 John 3


Anonymous said...

Yey! Christmas is coming!